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Best commercial coffee makers for office: Bunn or Bloomfield?

Multi cup commercial coffee maker

Every good day starts with a fresh cup of coffee. I don’t know about you, but I can hardly function until I have been caffeinated. Whether I drink it at home or I pick it up on my way to work, it doesn’t matter. As long as I have caffeine in my system, you can actually talk to me.

Have you ever felt that anything that is made in large quantities tastes better? I have. Take food for example. When it’s cooked in massive amounts, it tastes better for some reason. That is how I feel about coffee as well. I don’t drink that much coffee from espresso machines that are manual actionated because I think it’s too concentrated, but coffee makers will do. Especially commercial coffee makers. That is why I pick up my coffee from a local diner on my way to work. It tastes great, and is not very concentrated, which works perfectly for me.

The benefits of a commercial coffee maker

Just as with any other thing in this world, commercial coffee makers come with their own advantages and disadvantages. Although, there aren’t many cons to talk about. At least not from where I stand.

They can brew massive amounts of coffee. Yes, they are mostly used in diners and places that serve food and beverages. I can’t imagine them using a single-cup coffee maker or a regular coffee pot. But that is not the only place they can be useful. I’ve seen such machines in churches, conference rooms, office buildings, or wherever there are a lot of people who would want a fresh cup of coffee at the same time. It’s hard to satisfy the need for caffeine for so many people at once, which is why a commercial coffee maker will be a success.

The coffee has an amazing taste. I, for one, like it very much. People have different tastes, of course, but there are a lot of individuals who appreciate the same things as I do.

They are cheaper than espresso machines. By a lot, I might add. Not every business owner can afford to spend thousands of dollars on a machine that makes coffee. Some people may prefer the coffee from an espresso machine, but if so, let them go someplace else. Why spend 2000 dollars on a machine that can brew espresso, when you can spend ten times less and purchase a perfectly good commercial coffee maker? It doesn’t make sense. Unless you only drink espresso, obviously.

Commercial coffee makers are cheaper to maintain. They hardly ever break, and if they eventually do, they are cheap to replace. I guess that is why a lot of people prefer it. 

The coffee from a commercial coffee maker is not as concentrated as the one from a stovetop espresso maker. You should know that there are individuals who are highly sensitive to stimulants such as coffee. That is why a coffee maker is preferable. I am not saying that it makes tea out of coffee beans, but it’s not as strong as an espresso either. Some people can function on small amounts of caffeine. 

What to consider when buying a commercial coffee maker?

There are a few things to consider if you want to make the right choice. Finding the best commercial coffee maker is not hard. You just have to pay attention to some of the details that interest you. Also, it’s very important to determine what exactly you expect from it. What are you going to use it for? If you don’t identify these factors, then you may have a hard time finding them. It’s hard to find something you don’t know you want, isn’t it? Here are a few key features that can apply to almost anyone who seeks such a machine.

How much coffee do you need at any given time? If you are the owner of a diner or restaurant, then you need a commercial coffee maker that can brew massive amounts in very little time. You can’t let your customers wait forever for a cup of coffee, can you? Some models can brew as much as four gallons of coffee per hour. That is a lot compared with regular pots, but you are serving tens of people, not just two.

Choose a coffee maker that can keep all the coffee warm. Let’s say that you brewed too much, or you don’t have as many customers as expected one day. What do you do? Do you throw the coffee out? You can’t do that. It’s wasteful. But you can’t give cold coffee to your customers either. Reheating it over and over affects its taste. That is why it’s best if you go for a coffee maker that can keep all that coffee you just brewed warm at all times. How? Choose the product that has more than one warmer. Some models have a lower and an upper warmer. Some have three. That way the coffee can stay heated at all times.

It’s best if you keep the coffee in the decanter. If you pour it someplace else, it will get cold, and not any container can be placed on a warmer. Some commercial coffee makers come with multiple decanters, so if you brew a lot of coffee, go for one of those.

It has to be easy to clean. High-quality materials will always be easy to clean. You are serving a lot of people so it would be unhygienic not to wash the coffee makers. Ease of cleaning is a huge benefit, and you should consider that before making a purchase. Nobody has to spend half an hour washing a decanter or the warmers. 

What type of coffee do you plan o brew? Regular or decaffeinated? Not all coffee makers can make decaf, so pay attention to that.

The most important thing to remember here is that you must satisfy the people you serve. Ultimately, it’s their approval you seek. Choosing the best commercial coffee maker can be a step forward. I, for one, will always return to your venue if you give me good coffee. And so are many people. I know that it’s important to satisfy your needs, but it’s your customer’s needs you have to meet in the end.

What are the best commercial coffee makers?

I don’t think anyone can say that one product is the best and another one is not worth its price. Except, of course, low-quality machines. That is not open for debate. People have different needs, and not all coffee makers can satisfy every single individual. It’s basically impossible. What you can do is form an opinion based on what you know and what you need.

Bunn 33200.0015 VPR-2GD 12 Cup Commercial Coffee Brewer

Bunn 33200.0015 VPR-2GD 12 Cup Commercial Coffee Brewer

This beauty can brew as much as 3.8 gallons of coffee every hour. That is a bucket and a half (10-liter bucket), just in case you cannot visualize how much that is. And the best thing is that the coffee is delicious.

It has a sturdy construction. Almost all internal components are made of stainless steel, which means that the coffee maker will have a long-lasting life. After all, that is what you are looking for. Something that will last. I also like the design and the black finish. The color makes it look elegant. You can even place it where everyone can see it. It won’t be hard on the eyes.

The coffee maker does not require any plumbing. It’s a regular pour-over brewer that is completely portable. You can move it wherever you like, as many times as you need. As long as you have an electrical outlet nearby, of course. It comes with a safety feature that will prevent hot liquids from splashing on your hands or other exposed skin areas such as your face. It’s called SplashGuard and is highly efficient. The last thing you need is an accident in the workplace.

The Bunn coffee maker comes with two decanters, each of them with a capacity of 12 cups. They can both be kept warm at the same time, as there are two ceramic warming plates, one on the lower side, and the other on the upper side. Keeping it clean is not an issue. The warming plates are very easy to wipe, and the decanters can be put in the dishwasher at the end of the day.

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Bunn 13300.0003 VP17-3SS3L Pourover Commercial Coffee Brewer

Bunn 13300.0003 VP17-3SS3L Pourover Commercial Coffee Brewer

This coffee maker comes from Bunn as well. The manufacturer has released plenty of coffee machines, not only commercial ones, and got pretty good at it. People appreciate the quality and durability of their products. And for good reasons too. I have never heard anyone saying something bad about a Bunn coffee maker.

This one can brew as much coffee as the previous model, 3.8 gallons per hour. It provides similar benefits to the former Bunn I presented. There is the SplashGard safety feature that will prevent burns on your hands or/ and your face. Any hot liquid will be deflected. It’s also portable because there is no need for plumbing. You just pour water into the tank, and you’re good to go. All you need is an outlet for the plug.

The design is very simple but elegant. I never understood why people needed fancy coffee makers. If it makes coffee, I don’t care how it looks as long as it’s clean, of course. Speaking of cleaning, it is very easy to achieve. Just wipe the appliance with a wet cloth and the decanters can be thrown in the dishwasher (not literally, though.)

However, the difference between this Bunn coffee maker and the previous one is that this one has three warmers, not just two. It is ideal for bigger venues where fresh coffee must be available at all times. Unfortunately, the decanters are not included in the price. You will have to buy those separately.

Bloomfield 8543-D2 Koffee King Coffee Brewer

Bloomfield 8543-D2 Koffee King Coffee Brewer

If you want to cut costs on maintenance and service, then the Bloomfield coffee maker is perfect for you. It measures only 17 inches tall, but that doesn’t diminish its brewing capacity. It can keep up with almost all commercial coffee makers. The reason why this brand is popular is that it rarely needs fixing or replacing parts. There are people out there who owned Bloomfield coffee makers for years, but it never broke. Just the normal wear and tear.

This too has a simple design that makes all areas easily accessible. Cleaning is just as easy. It comes with two warmers, one on the top and the other on the bottom. Water volume adjustments are also easy to set. You don’t need tools, and you don’t have to remove any panels. Actually, everything about this coffee maker is easy.

Portability is not an issue. You can move it around just as you like, as long as there is a power source. There is no need for plumbing, you just fill the water tank, and you are done. You have a ready-to-brew light on the front of the machine that indicates when the water has reached the perfect temperature for brewing. There is no guesswork involved. And the biggest benefit of all is that the coffee comes out delicious. Just perfect.

The one thing that you must keep in mind is that the Bloomfield commercial coffee maker doesn’t come with carafes. You will need to buy those separately. You can buy just one if you like, according to your needs.

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My recommendation

If I had to choose among these three commercial coffee makers, I would go for the Bunn 33200.0015 VPR-2GD 12 Cup Commercial Coffee Brewer. The design and features make it the best commercial coffee maker I looked at. Furthermore, people left positive reviews anywhere I looked, so that can only mean that it delivers just as advertised.


People should never underestimate the power of a good cup of coffee. It’s the first thing you crave in the morning, in most cases, which is why its quality should not be overlooked. That is why investing in a high-quality commercial coffee maker is good for business.

Last Updated on March 30, 2023

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