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How Long Does Plumbers Putty Take To Dry?

Plumber's putty before applying it

Plumbing, while often overlooked, is the silent workhorse of our homes. It allows for the simple joys of a hot shower after a long day, or the convenience of washing dishes in a sink without a puddle forming on the floor. Just like any other integral part of our homes, plumbing has its set of challenges, often leading homeowners on a quest for the right tools and materials to address these issues.

Enter the plumber’s putty. This unassuming tool is a staple in the toolkit of every plumber and DIY enthusiast alike. Often described as the “secret weapon” against leaks and drips, plumber’s putty has secured its place as a go-to solution for many common plumbing challenges. Its versatile nature, combined with its affordability, makes it an invaluable asset for those looking to make quick and effective seals in their plumbing systems.

In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into the world of plumber’s putty, demystifying its uses, applications, and how it compares to other sealing solutions. Whether you’re a seasoned plumber, an avid DIYer, or someone merely curious about the inner workings of their home, this guide promises to provide insights and tips to help you navigate your plumbing needs more effectively.

What is Plumber’s Putty?

Oatley Plumber's Putty -We used it for plumbing fixing

Plumber’s putty is a staple in the world of plumbing, but for those unfamiliar with this tool, it’s a material that might just seem like child’s play-dough at first glance. But don’t be deceived by its appearance; this putty is a powerhouse when it comes to sealing and preventing leaks.

At its core, plumber’s putty is a blend of natural minerals such as clay and limestone, mixed with binders like linseed oil or fish oil. This combination results in a pliable, moldable, and slightly sticky substance that is easy to manipulate but sturdy enough to form a water-tight seal.

What sets plumber’s putty apart is its versatility. Unlike many other adhesives that bond materials permanently, a plumber’s putty creates a water-resistant seal while remaining flexible. This flexibility allows it to be easily adjusted, removed, or replaced, making it ideal for parts of plumbing systems that might need occasional maintenance or adjustments.

Typically, the putty sports a greyish color, but variations might exist based on brand and specific ingredients. Fresh plumber’s putty is soft to the touch, with a consistency similar to dough or clay. As it ages, it can harden, indicating that it’s time to replace it with a fresher batch.

It’s essential to understand that a plumber’s putty is not an adhesive. Its primary function is to fill gaps and form a seal, not to bind surfaces permanently. This feature is particularly useful in plumbing, where temporary seals are often required, allowing easy access for future maintenance or replacements.

While incredibly versatile, it’s important to note that a plumber’s putty is best suited for specific materials. It’s safe for metals and ceramics but may not be suitable for plastics and porous materials, which we’ll discuss in later sections.

How to Use Plumber’s Putty

We used plumber's putty to connect a water heater to the installation

Navigating the intricacies of plumbing can be daunting, especially for novices. Yet, with the right knowledge and tools, even seemingly complex tasks can become approachable. One such tool, Plumber’s Putty, is often the unsung hero behind many watertight seals in your home. Let’s delve deeper into the proper way to use this essential material.


Before starting, ensure that both your hands and the surface you intend to apply the putty on are clean and free from dust or debris.

  1. Check Putty’s Consistency:
    Begin by assessing the putty’s consistency. It should be pliable, similar to modeling clay. If it feels too hard or crumbles, it may be too old and will need to be replaced.
  2. Warming Up the Putty:
    If you find the putty a bit stiff, especially during colder months, you can warm it up by kneading it between your hands. In extremely cold conditions, like the chilly Illinois winters mentioned earlier, placing the tub of plumber’s putty near a heat source, like a radiator, for a short period can make it more workable.
  3. Rolling the Putty:
    Take a portion of the putty and roll it into a ‘snake’ or ‘rope’ shape. This elongated shape allows for easy application around fittings, faucets, and drains.


Each plumbing fixture might require a unique application process, but the basic principle remains consistent: the putty should create a water-tight barrier.

  1. Drains and Sinks:
    For drains, the rolled putty can be wrapped around the base of the drain flange before being pressed into place. As you tighten the drain’s components, the excess putty will squeeze out, which can be removed easily.
  2. Faucets:
    When installing faucets, apply the putty on the base, ensuring even coverage. As you secure the faucet in place, the putty will create a tight seal, preventing water from seeping under the fixture.
  3. Under Sink Lips:
    If you’re installing a sink into a countertop, plumber’s putty can be applied beneath the lip of the sink, ensuring a snug fit and preventing water from getting between the sink and the counter.

Post Application

  1. Removal of Excess Putty:
    Once the fixture is securely in place and you’re satisfied with the seal, remove the excess putty that has squeezed out. This can be done with a simple swipe of your finger or a soft cloth.
  2. Check for Proper Sealing:
    After installing, fill up the sink or tub with water and check for any signs of leakage. If there are no drips or moisture beneath the fixture, the putty has done its job!

Storage and Reuse

A bit of frugality never hurts! If you find yourself with leftover putty after your task, you can store it for future use. Place it back in its container, ensuring it’s sealed tightly to prevent drying out. Stored correctly, it remains usable for a considerable amount of time.

How Long Does Plumber’s Putty Take to Dry?

Plumber’s putty is a go-to solution for many plumbing tasks, and understanding its drying or curing time is crucial to ensure the longevity of your repair or installation. Let’s unravel the mystery behind how long it takes for plumber’s putty to set and when it’s safe to use the fixtures it’s been applied to.

The Nature of Plumber’s Putty

Unlike substances like silicone or cement that undergo a chemical reaction to harden, plumber’s putty remains malleable and doesn’t “dry” in the conventional sense. Its consistency remains somewhat pliable, allowing for the flexibility and seal that makes it so valuable in plumbing applications.

Setting vs. Drying

While the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, it’s important to differentiate between them.

  1. Setting:
    This refers to the time it takes for the putty to achieve its maximum sealing potential after being applied. For plumber’s putty, this usually occurs within a few hours, although it might vary slightly based on the brand and specific formulation.
  2. Drying:
    As mentioned earlier, plumber’s putty doesn’t truly “dry.” Instead, it remains flexible for a long time. This ensures that the putty can adapt to minor shifts or changes in the fixture without compromising the seal.

When Can You Use the Fixed Fixture?

Given that plumber’s putty doesn’t have a traditional dry time, once you’ve achieved a solid seal and any excess has been wiped away, you can typically use the fixed or installed fixture almost immediately. However, to be on the safe side, waiting an hour or so ensures that the putty has settled into its optimal sealing position.

Factors Affecting Set Time

Though plumber’s putty generally sets quite quickly, certain factors might influence this:

  1. Brand Variation:
    Different brands or types of putty, like Oatey plumber’s putty, might have slightly varied setting times. Always refer to the product’s instructions if provided.
  2. Temperature and Humidity:
    While a plumber’s putty is relatively resistant to environmental factors, extremely cold or humid conditions might slightly extend the setting time.

Despite its flexibility, one must remember that plumber’s putty isn’t suitable for all applications, especially areas under significant water pressure. It’s essential to understand when to use it and when to opt for other sealing solutions.

In summary, while the question of how long does plumber’s putty take to dry is common, it’s essential to recognize its unique characteristics. Plumber’s putty remains pliable, ensuring a long-lasting seal that can handle the ebb and flow of daily fixture use. So, once you’ve applied it and are satisfied with the seal, you’re essentially good to go!

Plumber’s Putty vs. Silicone

Both plumber’s putty and silicone are staples in the plumbing and DIY world. They’re used to create watertight seals, but they have different properties, applications, and advantages. Let’s delve into a detailed comparison of these two materials.

Where Each Is Most Effective

  1. Plumber’s Putty:
    • Drains and Faucets: It’s commonly used to seal the area around drains and faucets. For instance, when installing a sink or a bathtub drain, the putty provides a watertight barrier that prevents water from leaking.
    • Sink Rims: Often applied beneath the rim of a kitchen sink to ensure no water seeps under the countertop.
  2. Silicone:
    • Shower and Bathtub Corners: Silicone is perfect for the corners of showers and bathtubs where there’s a need for a flexible and waterproof seal.
    • Window Seals: It’s also used around windows to prevent water intrusion and for weatherproofing purposes.
    • Sealing Joints: Especially in areas where there’s regular movement or expansion and contraction.

Durability and Longevity

  1. Plumber’s Putty:
    • The putty remains pliable and doesn’t harden over time, making it durable for specific applications. However, over a prolonged period, it may eventually dry out and lose its sealing capabilities.
  2. Silicone:
    • Silicone sealants are designed to resist mold and mildew, making them ideal for damp areas like bathrooms. When applied correctly, they can last for many years without the need for replacement.

Flexibility and Ease of Application/Removal

  1. Plumber’s Putty:
    • Highly malleable and easy to work with. It can be rolled and shaped without much effort.
    • Removal is generally straightforward. If it dries out or needs replacement, it can often be scraped off without too much hassle.
  2. Silicone:
    • Once cured, silicone is flexible, allowing it to handle the expansion and contraction in various fixtures.
    • The application requires a bit more precision. Once it sets, it’s a bit more challenging to remove compared to plumber’s putty. We have a guide on how to remove caulk and silicone so give it a read before starting the process.

Water Resistance and Pressure Handling

  1. Plumber’s Putty:
    • While it’s water-resistant, it’s not designed to handle high water pressure. It’s more of a barrier against potential leaks in areas with minimal water movement.
  2. Silicone:
    • Highly water-resistant, making it perfect for areas regularly exposed to large amounts of water or steam.
    • Can handle greater water pressure, which is why it’s preferred for sealing gaps in areas that might experience water surges.

Highlighting Scenarios Where One Might Be Preferred Over the Other:

  • Installing a New Sink or Faucet: Plumber’s putty would be the top choice for sealing the areas around the fixtures.
  • Sealing Gaps in a Shower or Bathtub: Silicone, with its water-resisting and mold-preventing properties, would be ideal.
  • Areas Experiencing Regular Movement: Silicone, thanks to its flexibility post-curing, would be the go-to option.
  • For a Quick, Temporary Fix: Plumber’s putty, given its ease of application and removal, would be preferred.

Where to Put Plumber’s Putty On?

Plumber’s putty is a versatile sealing tool, particularly in plumbing applications. Knowing exactly where to apply it can be the key to a leak-free installation. Here, we’ll delve into specific guidance for various applications:

Bathroom Faucet

  • Step 1: Begin by cleaning the base of the faucet and the countertop or sink surface where the faucet will sit. Ensure both surfaces are free of debris and old sealant.
  • Step 2: Take a small amount of plumber’s putty and roll it in your hands to form a thin rope. The length should be enough to circle the faucet’s base.
  • Step 3: Place the putty rope around the base of the faucet.
  • Step 4: Press the faucet onto the sink or countertop, compressing the putty. This action will create a watertight seal, preventing water from seeping under the faucet.
  • Step 5: Tighten the faucet’s mounting nuts from below. Then, wipe away any excess putty that may squeeze out from under the faucet base.

Garbage Disposal

  • Step 1: Clean the area where the garbage disposal will connect to the sink.
  • Step 2: Take a generous amount of plumber’s putty and roll it into a rope long enough to circle the garbage disposal’s flange.
  • Step 3: Position the putty rope around the flange’s base.
  • Step 4: Press the flange onto the sink hole, compressing the putty to create a seal.
  • Step 5: Assemble the rest of the garbage disposal unit as per the manufacturer’s instructions, wiping away any excess putty.

Tub Drain

  • Step 1: Clean the tub’s drain hole and ensure no debris is present.
  • Step 2: Roll a sufficient amount of plumber’s putty into a rope to circle the drain’s flange.
  • Step 3: Position the putty rope around the underside of the drain flange.
  • Step 4: Press the flange into the tub’s drain hole. The putty will form a seal, preventing water from leaking beneath the tub.
  • Step 5: From the underside of the tub, secure the drain with its nut. Remove any excess putty that seeps out.

Kitchen Faucet

  • Step 1: Ensure the kitchen sink’s surface and the faucet’s base are clean and free of old sealant or debris.
  • Step 2: Roll a suitable amount of plumber’s putty into a rope. This should circle the faucet’s base.
  • Step 3: Lay the putty rope around the faucet base.
  • Step 4: Set the faucet onto the sink, pressing it down. This compresses the putty, ensuring a watertight seal.
  • Step 5: Tighten the faucet’s mounting nuts from below the sink. Wipe away any excess putty that emerges around the faucet base.

In each application, the key is to ensure that you use enough plumber’s putty to create an effective seal but not so much that there’s a significant excess to clean up. With these guidelines, you’ll ensure that your fixtures are sealed properly, minimizing potential leaks and water damage.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Plumber’s Putty

Does the plumber’s putty need to cure?

No, the plumber’s putty remains pliable and doesn’t harden over time like some other sealants. This characteristic allows it to maintain a waterproof seal for extended periods.

Why can’t plumber’s putty be used on plastic?

Using plumber’s putty on plastic can lead to issues. Some putties contain ingredients that may weaken or damage plastic materials, causing them to crack or deteriorate.

Why use plumber’s putty instead of silicone?

Plumber’s putty is ideal for temporary seals or applications where it might be necessary to break the seal without damaging the surrounding materials. Silicone provides a more permanent seal, but it’s harder to remove compared to plumber’s putty.

Why does plumber’s putty fail?

Plumber’s putty can fail due to various reasons including: not using enough putty, using old or dried-out putty, or applying it on dirty surfaces. It’s also not designed to withstand high-pressure situations.

Is plumber’s putty toxic?

Most commercial plumber’s putties are non-toxic when cured. However, always read the manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure good ventilation when working with any material.

Is plumber putty necessary?

For many plumbing installations, especially where a watertight seal around fixtures is required, plumber’s putty is an essential tool. It provides an effective seal that’s also easily reversible.

Which plumber’s putty to use?

While most plumber’s putties function similarly, it’s recommended to use well-known brands like Oatey. Ensure you select putty that’s appropriate for the specific materials and application.

Where is plumber’s putty used?

Plumber’s putty is commonly used to form watertight seals around faucets, drains, and other plumbing fixtures. It’s especially useful in areas where you might need to periodically remove and reseal the fixture.

Where to store plumber’s putty?

Store plumber’s putty in a cool, dry place, preferably in its original container to prevent it from drying out.

Where to buy plumber’s putty?

Plumber’s putty can be purchased at home improvement stores, plumbing supply shops, or online retailers.

How long for plumber’s putty to set?

While plumber’s putty provides an immediate seal, it’s best to wait a few hours before putting significant water pressure on the sealed area.

What dissolves plumber’s putty?

Plumber’s putty can be softened and removed with mineral spirits or other solvents. However, ensure compatibility with the surface to avoid damage.

How to soften plumber’s putty?

Gently heating plumber’s putty or kneading it with your hands can help soften it, making it more malleable for use.

Can you use too much plumber’s putty?

Using an excessive amount might lead to wastage and mess, but it won’t harm the seal. It’s always better to use a bit more than required and wipe away the excess to ensure a full seal.


Plumber’s putty stands as an indispensable tool in the world of plumbing, offering a reliable yet flexible seal for various fixtures. While it has its specific applications and benefits, understanding its nuances compared to alternatives like silicone is vital. Whether you’re a seasoned plumber or a DIY enthusiast, having a grasp on when and how to use this putty can make your plumbing tasks smoother and more effective. As with any tool, its mastery lies in knowing its strengths and limitations. Happy plumbing!

Last Updated on August 15, 2023

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