Home » Cleaning » Why Does My House Smell Like Gasoline and What Should I Do About It?

Why Does My House Smell Like Gasoline and What Should I Do About It?

A living room that smells like gasoline but the house does not have gas

Walking into your home after a long day to a distinct odor of gasoline can be both unsettling and alarming. This strong scent, most commonly associated with gas stations and vehicle repair garages, certainly doesn’t belong in your living space. A sudden and unfamiliar smell could be more than just a mere annoyance; it could signify a potential hazard lurking in your residence.

The smell of gasoline in the house raises several critical questions that need immediate attention. What is causing this odor? Is it dangerous? And most importantly, what can be done to eliminate it? These questions are not only a result of discomfort, but they are also essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of the household’s residents..

In this blog post, we will delve into the possible reasons why your house might smell like gasoline, explore the potential dangers linked with such an odor, and provide you with a detailed guide on the steps you need to take to eradicate this smell. Whether your house smells like gasoline but has no apparent gas sources, or the gasoline smell is emanating from your garage, basement, or any other area of your house, we’ve got you covered. Stay with us as we unravel the mystery behind this gasoline odor and offer practical solutions to restore the safety and comfort of your home.

Why Does My House Smell Like Gasoline?

Various factors could lead to an unpleasant gasoline smell in your house. This odor could originate from a spill, a leak, or even certain materials or objects stored within your home. It’s common for people to be puzzled when they perceive a gasoline smell in the house, especially when they have electric utilities. To address the issue, it’s important first to comprehend the potential sources of the smell.

Most common reasons


Gasoline spills represent one of the most common reasons for this distinctive smell. If you accidentally spill gasoline in your garage while refilling your lawnmower or other equipment, or bring clothes into your home that are stained with gasoline, the strong smell can quickly pervade your home.

Gasoline Presence in the Garage

If your house has an attached garage where you store gas cans or gasoline-powered machinery, the gasoline smell in your house could indeed originate from the garage. Gasoline’s strong fumes can permeate your home from the garage, making it seem as though the smell is everywhere.

Absorbed Gasoline

Certain materials like concrete can absorb gasoline, slowly releasing the smell over time. If you’ve experienced a spill in your garage or driveway, the gasoline may have seeped into the concrete. This can result in a lingering gasoline smell, even after you’ve cleaned the area thoroughly.

Gas Appliances

In homes with gas appliances, minor leaks can produce a smell that’s similar to gasoline. Although natural gas is inherently odorless, safety regulations require the addition of a chemical known as mercaptan, which gives the gas a distinctive smell. However, this smell is usually more akin to rotten eggs than gasoline.

Sewer Gas

A perplexing scenario is when you encounter a gasoline smell in your house but have no gas appliances or obvious gasoline sources. This may be due to the presence of sewer gas. If plumbing vents are clogged or there is a dry trap, sewer gases can infiltrate your house, emitting an odor that’s somewhat similar to gasoline.

Basement Odor

A gasoline smell in the basement could be due to gasoline or other chemicals soaking into the porous concrete floor following a spill. Alternatively, sewer gas could be leaking into the basement through floor drains or other plumbing fixtures, creating a gasoline-like smell.

Is a Gasoline Smell in House Dangerous?

The smell of gasoline in your house is more than just an annoyance; it could also be a potential hazard. This is because the fumes emitted from gasoline contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including benzene, which can pose serious health risks. Therefore, a gasoline smell in the house can indeed be dangerous and should never be ignored.

Potential Health Effects and Fire Hazards

Health Effects

Prolonged exposure to gasoline fumes can have detrimental effects on your health. Short-term exposure can cause symptoms like dizziness, headaches, and nausea. Over time, chronic exposure could lead to more serious health problems, such as respiratory issues, blood disorders, and even some forms of cancer. Children and pets are particularly vulnerable to these health effects, as their bodies are smaller and their immune systems less developed.

Fire Hazards

The presence of a strong gasoline smell in your house also indicates a potential fire hazard. Gasoline vapors can ignite if they come into contact with a spark or flame, including those from a cigarette, lighter, or pilot light on a gas appliance. Even static electricity can ignite gasoline vapors in the right conditions. Given that gasoline vapors are heavier than air, they can spread along the floor and ignite a fire or explosion far from the source.

Gas Leaks

If the smell resembles gasoline but you have natural gas appliances in your home, there’s a possibility that you might be dealing with a natural gas leak, which poses a significant safety risk. Though natural gas has a different odor (often described as similar to rotten eggs), some people might confuse it with a gasoline smell. If you suspect a gas leak, you should immediately evacuate the house and call your gas company or fire department.

Given these potential dangers, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to find the source and eliminate the gasoline smell from your home if you detect it. It’s not something to procrastinate or ignore. Remember, safety should always be your top priority.

How to Identify a Gasoline Smell in Your House?

When you notice a peculiar odor in your house, one of the first things that come to mind is, “What’s that smell?” Gasoline has a very distinct smell, so it’s relatively easy to identify. The characteristic smell of gasoline is sharp, pungent, and often likened to the scent of oil-based paint or solvent. If your house smells like gasoline, the odor is usually strong and tends to permeate the entire space, making it quite noticeable.

However, identifying the exact source of the smell can be tricky, especially in larger homes. Check for recent spills or leaks in places where gasoline is typically stored or used, such as the garage or basement. You might also want to examine the clothes you wore when you last pumped gas or filled a lawnmower tank.

Gasoline Vs. Natural Gas: Knowing the Difference

While gasoline and natural gas both have strong, distinct smells, it’s important to differentiate between the two, as the causes and remedies are different. Unlike the sharp, oil-like smell of gasoline, natural gas is odorless in its natural state. However, for safety reasons, utility companies add a substance called mercaptan to give it a noticeable smell for easy detection in case of a leak. This additive gives natural gas a smell akin to rotten eggs or sulfur. If you smell this in your house, it’s imperative to immediately evacuate and contact your gas company or local authorities, as this could indicate a potentially dangerous gas leak.

Steps to Remove Gasoline Smell from Your Home

The moment you perceive a gasoline smell in your house, it’s important to take immediate action. Even if your home operates on electric appliances, the scent of gasoline should not be ignored. This situation often leads homeowners to search the internet using phrases like “the house smells like gasoline but we have electric appliances”, emphasizing the importance of identifying the source.

Similarly, if your home includes an attached garage, it could be a potential source of the odor. Storing gasoline for a lawnmower, snowblower, or other gasoline-powered tools in your garage can lead to the smell infiltrating your living spaces. This situation gives rise to common concerns expressed online as “My house has a gasoline smell coming from the garage.”

Steps to Address the Gasoline Smell

Here are the steps to follow when you need to eliminate the gasoline odor:

1. Identify the Source: Before any cleaning can be done, locate where the smell is coming from. It could be the garage, a specific room, clothing, or even a previously unnoticed spill.

2. Use Absorbents: Once the source is identified and any remaining gasoline safely removed, you can begin the cleaning process. Use absorbents such as cat litter, baking soda, or activated charcoal to soak up the gasoline from the affected area. These materials are adept at absorbing the gasoline, helping to significantly reduce the smell.

3. Ventilation: After cleaning up the absorbent material, ventilate your home. Opening windows and doors to let fresh air circulate through your home helps push out any remaining gasoline odor.

4. Seal the Area: If the smell originates from your garage, ensure that any adjoining doors and windows are tightly sealed. This prevents gasoline vapors from seeping through and permeating your home.

5. Install an Exhaust Fan: If you frequently handle gasoline or other strong-smelling chemicals in your garage, installing an exhaust fan could be beneficial. This will help circulate stale air out and draw fresh air in, ensuring your home stays free from such odors.

Using Baking Soda & Vinegar to Neutralize the Smell

One popular method to get rid of the gasoline smell involves the use of household items such as baking soda and vinegar.

  • Step 1: Create a cleaning solution by mixing one cup of baking soda, one cup of vinegar, and one cup of water in a container.
  • Step 2: Dip a clean rag into the solution and rub it onto the stained area. Allow the mixture to sit on the stain for at least 30 minutes.
  • Step 3: Wipe the area with a clean, wet cloth. Repeat these steps as necessary until the smell is gone.

Using Rubbing Alcohol & Baking Soda to Remove the Smell

Another method involves the use of rubbing alcohol and baking soda.

  • Step 1: Sprinkle baking soda on the stained area and then add rubbing alcohol to create a paste. Leave the mixture on the stain for 30 minutes.
  • Step 2: Clean the area with a clean, damp cloth. Repeat the steps as needed until the smell is completely removed.

Removal of Gasoline Smell from Clothes

In the case that your clothing items smell of gasoline, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Air out the clothing overnight outside to allow the gasoline fumes to dissipate.
  • Step 2: Apply a paste made from baking soda and vinegar (or rubbing alcohol) to the stain and let it sit for 15-60 minutes, depending on the strength of the odor.
  • Step 3: Wash the clothes separately in your washing machine with strong laundry detergent.
  • Step 4: If the clothing items aren’t machine washable, put them into a bag with some baking soda or clay-based kitty litter, shake the bag, and let it sit for 24 hours. Vacuum any residue afterward.

Preventive Measures to Keep Your House Free of Gasoline Smell

One of the most effective ways to prevent a gasoline smell in your house is to ensure proper storage and handling of gasoline. When people are concerned about a lingering gasoline odor in the house, it’s often due to improper storage. Always keep gasoline containers sealed tightly and store them in well-ventilated areas away from the house, if possible.

In situations where gasoline must be stored in a garage attached to the home, it should be stored in approved containers and kept away from any sources of heat or ignition. Also, take care to handle gasoline cautiously to avoid spills. In case a spill does occur, ensure it is cleaned up immediately to prevent the odor from permeating your home. For those who own cars, it’s important to be mindful about not bringing a car gas smell into the house on clothes or shoes.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Regular inspections and maintenance of areas where gasoline is stored or used can go a long way in preventing gasoline smells in the house. For instance, regularly inspect your lawnmower or any other gas-powered equipment for leaks. If a leak is found, get it fixed promptly to avoid a gasoline smell from seeping into your home.

In addition, be mindful of any changes in the smell of your garage or basement. A sudden or persistent smell of gasoline can be a warning sign of a spill or leak.

It’s worth noting that prevention is always better than cure. By following these preventive measures, you can help ensure that your home remains free of any unwelcome gasoline odors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does my house smell like gas sometimes?

If your house smells like gas occasionally, it could be due to a small gas leak from an appliance like a stove, heater, or a gas-powered tool. Alternatively, the smell could be coming from a gasoline-powered tool or vehicle stored in your garage or a nearby area. Make sure to check for leaks and ensure proper ventilation.

Why does my house smell like gas when the oven is on?

Your house might smell like gas when the oven is on if the oven is not igniting properly. If gas is being released but not ignited, it can lead to a gas smell. This could indicate a faulty ignitor or burner. It’s crucial to get it checked out by a professional immediately.

The house smells like gas but the stove is off, why?

Even when your stove is off, a gas leak can occur if the gas line is damaged or the valve is not fully closed. If you smell gas even when your stove is off, contact a professional to inspect the issue.

The house smells like gas when AC is on, why?

If you notice a gas-like smell when the AC is on, it might be due to a coolant leak or if a gasoline-powered tool is nearby and giving off fumes that are being pulled in and circulated by the AC.

Why does it smell like gasoline in my room?

The smell of gasoline in your room could be due to gasoline-soaked clothes, spills on the floor, or a gasoline-powered tool stored too close. It could also be due to fumes traveling from a nearby garage or basement.

How long will the gasoline smell linger?

The smell of gasoline can linger for several hours to several days, depending on the amount spilled and the ventilation in the area. Good ventilation, absorbents like cat litter or baking soda, and thorough cleaning can help to remove the smell faster.

Is it normal for my garage to smell like gasoline?

If you store gasoline-powered tools or vehicles in your garage, a faint gasoline smell might be noticeable. However, a strong gasoline odor could indicate a leak or spill, which should be addressed immediately to prevent potential hazards.

What are some effective ways to get rid of the smell of gasoline in my house?

Ventilating your home, absorbing the smell with charcoal or baking soda, cleaning with a mixture of hot water and dish soap, and sealing off areas where gasoline is stored, like a garage, can all help eliminate the smell of gasoline in your home.


Handling gasoline at home isn’t uncommon, but it’s crucial to be cautious to prevent unpleasant and potentially hazardous gasoline smells. By understanding why your house might smell like gasoline, recognizing the risks, identifying the odor, knowing how to remove it, and taking preventative steps, you can keep your home safe and smelling fresh.

Feel free to share this guide with your friends and family, particularly those who might find it useful. Keeping our homes safe is a shared responsibility, and information like this can go a long way in prevention. If you have any further questions or want to share your experiences dealing with gasoline smells at home, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or get in touch with us. We’re always here to help and learn from our reader’s experiences.

Last Updated on July 31, 2023

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